Opsætningen påbegyndes ved at  to  aluminiumsvanger lines up og fæstnes til væggen.

Vangerne kan ses som reolens rygrad. Hertil fæstnes hylder med sidestykker.

De fritstående vanger holder reolens hylder fri af paneler og elkontakter.

The setup begins by lining up two aluminum beams and attaching them to the wall.

The brackets can be seen as the backbone of the rack. Shelves with side pieces are attached to this.

The free-standing brackets keep the shelves of the bookcase free of panels and electrical contacts.

Hylderne fæstnes ved hjælp af nylonkilen og den lille faste ekspander der gør det muligt hhv at låse og frigøre nylonkilen. Systemets hylder kan monteres og afmonteres uden at kilerne sætter mærker i disse.

The shelves are attached using the nylon wedge and the small hard expander that makes it possible to lock and release the nylon wedge. The system's shelves can be installed and removed without the wedges leaving marks on them.